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This is a group assignment. In this assignment, we are required to choose a double-storey house and select a space in the house that has daylighting and thermal comfort issues. We then have to collect data and give improvement on implementing a better strategy of providing better daylight and thermal comfort in the selected space. All of the information has to be presented on A2 size board with relevant charts and drawings of the space. 

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Choose a space

We started off by choosing a space in a house that has daylighting and thermal comfort issues. The space we have chosen is the living room which has daylight issues when the sun sets. 

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Research and compile information

We started off with divided our tasks among the members and compiling all the information in a file. We also recorded the lux readings and temperature of our selected space. 


We compiled all of the information info graphically on 2 A2 size boards and showed case the lighting by using the 3D model. The climatic information are also clearly researched and presented by graphs and charts. 

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Throughout this assignment, I have learned to identify daylighting and thermal comfort readings and its issue in a double-storey house. Besides, I also learned how to read sun path diagrams, wind rose diagrams, psychometric charts and etc. These are all closely related to climatic studies in an area. Other than that, I have also learned about the requirement of daylighting in a house from Uniform Building By-Laws (UBBL) and its calculations of it which is Daylight Factor= E internal / E external x 100%. We also figured out the solution to each issue as a group and presented them using diagrams and 3D models. Overall, I am quite satisfied with the outcome of the presentation and happy that I get to learn so much information from this assignment. The members also cooperated well and contributed to the assignment evenly. 

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